Body by HGTV: The 'House Hunters' Workout
Work out and get your House Hunters fix.

If you're like me, the only workout you get while watching House Hunters is sip, sip repeat. 🍷 year, new you, right? Let's say 2018 you doesn't just drink wine and disagree with home buyers. The new you also squeezes in a workout that ends when the credits do. Here are two ways to make it happen.
Workout 1: House Hunters Bingo

Just think of this as workout bingo. When the house hunters (inevitably) talk about hardwood floors, open floor plans and paint colors, you go to work. See how Maria Antoinette does it:

Here's a rundown of the moments to look for and the moves to match:
- Their perfect neighborhood...2 sets of 15 situps
- When they say "room for entertaining"...20 mountain climbers
- If the budget is high...10 jump squats
- If the budget is low...10 shoulder-tap planks
- When they say open concept...10 tricep dips
- When they hate the carpet...10 leg lifts
- If they choose your favorite...take a breather!
- If they don't choose your favorite...5 pause squats

Workout 2: 22-Minute Total Body
Ready to sweat and be annoyed with buyers' choices? From the time you meet the hunters to the moment they make their final decision, you'll get fit as you watch. See how to do it:

Meet the Homeowners: Put down the wine (for now.) Rolling your eyes at their careers? Roll your ankles and neck to warm up.
The Wish List: Let's get started!
- Sit-ups: 2 sets of 15
- Mountain climbers: 20 total
- Reverse lunges: 10 on each side
The Budget: Time to switch things up!
- If the budget is high...10 jump squats
- If the budget is low: 10 shoulder tap planks
The House Tours: Circuit time! Complete this circuit 3 times, resting for 60 seconds between circuits.
- 10 squats
- 10 push-ups
- 10 walking lunges
- 10 jumping jacks
Decision Time! For the final move:
- If they choose your favorite...take a breather. (Whew!)
- If they don't choose your favorite...5 pause squats.
For a killer workout, combine both approaches: Work through the circuits, but stop and complete the "bingo" bonus exercises when homeowners mention those inevitable phrases.
Whatever you do, don't forget to practice some #selfcare when you're done: Drink water, stretch out, and relax. (Hopefully with wine.)

Watch House Hunters weeknights at 10p | 9c.