3 DIY Scandinavian-Style Ornaments
Bring Scandinavian simplicity to your Christmas tree this year with these three easy-to-make DIY ornaments.


Cassidy Garcia
Materials + Tools
- string
- wire
- wire cutters
- wooden beads
- hot glue gun + sticks
- various embellishments

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia
Begin by cutting a piece of string and a piece of wire to be the same length (Image 1). Thread nine wooden beads onto both the string and the wire. You may need to use an embroidery needle to help with this step (Images 2 & 3). Next, bend the beads into a circle and twist the ends of the wire together to close it up (Image 4). Trim any excess wire. To create the hanger, tie the ends of the string together to form a loop and add to the top of the wreath. Then, embellish your wreath with decorative accents — like faux holly leaves and a wooden bead painted red to resemble a berry (Image 5).

Cassidy Garcia
Materials + Tools
- wooden Christmas tree ornament
- small embroidery hoop
- string
- hot glue gun + sticks
- various embellishments

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia
Thread a piece of string through the top of the Christmas tree ornament and tie it onto the embroidery hoop under the screw (Image 1). Next, cut another piece of string, tie it onto the hoop and create a hanger by tying the ends of the string together (Image 2). Optionally, you can paint the tree white or green before adding the string. Add holiday embellishments to the front of the hoop such as faux holly leaves and a painted wood bead from the previous ornament (Image 3).

Cassidy Garcia
Materials + Tools
- wood round
- wooden snowflake
- string
- black paint
- white paint
- paintbrush
- hot glue gun + sticks

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia
Paint the front of your wood round black, leaving an organic border around the edge (Image 1). Then, paint your wooden snowflake white, making sure to paint the edges as well (Image 2). You may have to paint multiple coats to get an even finish. Cut a piece of string and glue it to the back of the wood round as a hanger (Image 3). Finally, glue your snowflake to the front of the wood round and let dry before hanging (Image 4).
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