Recycled Sweater Scarf
Create a knit-style scarf without actually knitting by cleverly repurposing sweaters.

Materials Needed:
- (2) 100% acrylic, or acrylic blend, sweaters (Avoid 100% cotton sweaters because they tend to unravel.)
- rotary cutting blade
- cutting mat
- scissors
- thread and needle or sewing machine
Create Sweater Panels
Cut off the bodies of both sweaters just below the arms. Ensure that both cut panels have the same dimensions by trimming off any excess. Tip: The size of sweaters used will determine the size and length of finished scarf. The larger the sweaters; the larger the finished scarf.

Hem Edges
Finish cut edges with a decorative hand stitch or with a sewing machine.

Cut Pieces
Cut each sweater body into two equal pieces to create four panels, again trimming pieces till all four sections are the same size.

Stitch Together
Sew all four alternating panels together to create a loop. If desired, leave ends loose for a traditional scarf.