Rock the Block Revealed: Why Designers Wear the Same Outfits Every Episode and More
You asked, so we answered! Read on for a behind-the-scenes scoop on Rock the Block Season 2.

Mark Hill
It’s time for some answers. Rock the Block Season 2 has left us all wondering: Where is David’s pink jumpsuit from? (Fashion Nova); Will real families actually move into the homes? (Yes, Flip or Flop Atlanta's Anita Corsini is on it); Was the show actually filmed over the course of six weeks? (Yep).
Though we can’t reveal everything just yet — tune in for the final episode on April 12 at 9 p.m. EST — we can give you behind-the-scenes answers to some of your Rock the Block questions, including the biggest question of all:
1) Why do contestants appear to be wearing the same clothes in every episode?
Fans of the show had some *serious* thoughts about the stars’ outfits:
There’s no big ruse here — the producers of Rock the Block aren’t trying to fool us. Designers actually arrived on set day-after-day to renovate four newly built homes on an empty block in Dallas, Georgia, and other HGTV stars actually judged each team’s work (though the final winners were chosen based on their home’s final appraisal value).
Brian Kleinschmidt said it best when he commented back to a fan on Instagram, “We had about four of the same outfits. It was our ‘uniform.’ Makes it easier to film the show.” In short, Brian’s right. Continuity is key when it comes to producing a large-scale show like Rock the Block. With so many stars on set filming various segments over the course of several weeks, producers worked hard to make the entire filming/editing process as seamless as possible — which included “uniforms” for each of the stars. It also made it easier on the talent, who didn’t have to stress about deciding on different outfits. And to be clear, the contestants had multiples of each item of clothing, and, of course, access to washing machines. (To keep her clothes extra-clean, Mika would change into a different shirt while eating lunch.) Plus, who doesn’t love a little Rock the Block team spirit — uniform style? Long live Jeremiah’s full denim look (super-cool bracelets and all).
2) Where do the designers stay while filming?
The stars stayed in rented homes in the area. In fact, Nate and Jeremiah moved their entire family — kids and all — down to Georgia for the duration of filming. On weekends, the couple would bring Poppy and Oskar to the set and let them check out their home’s design.
3) Was there anything interesting that didn’t make it on air?
The teams participated in some challenges that ended up getting cut. Particularly exciting was the “boat challenge.” Stars had the chance to dismember several canoe-like boats and incorporate pieces of them in their designs. If you look closely, you’ll see accessories from the boat challenge around each house: oars on the walls in Mika and Brian’s home; a gold anchor in David and Tiffany’s study; a bell in Alison and Mike’s bourbon room; and a towel rack in Nate and Jer’s guest room.
4) Was there pranking on-set?
Not only did Mika and Brian get caught putting up Christmas decorations in Nate and Jer’s yard, but Alison started a rumor about her and Mike’s backyard design to totally throw David off his game. Spoiler alert: In the final episode, Alison (always the trickster) pranks everyone with a scary surprise.
5) Did the stars become close while filming?
Though the competition was fierce, the designers had lots of fun (safely) both on and off set. Particularly memorable was a group barbecue Brian documented on Instagram, as well as Alison’s surprise 40th birthday celebration on set. (Producers surprised her with a cake in the shape of a house.) To be completely corny: Yes, the Season 2 stars became one big, happy Rock the Block family.