Oh, Karen
A tub goes missing, an accent wall gets gone, treasure falls out of the ceiling ... this episode of Good Bones is an emotional rollercoaster for Karen the Collector (not Hoarder).
If the latest renovation on Good Bones feels a little like Groundhog Dog, you’re not losing your mind. Mina Starsiak and her mom, Karen E Laine, kick off demo on the other side of a duplex seen in the previous episode of Good Bones -- and while it would seem this project should be a slam dunk, considering the townhouse is practically a mirror image of its neighbor, it quickly becomes clear things aren’t going to be as easy as they should be, especially for eternal preservationist Karen.

Truly, this episode might be the wildest emotional rollercoaster episode for Karen yet over the past three seasons. Why? Well ...
A Bathtub Disappears
A very hefty clawfoot bathtub Karen was hoping to salvage somehow goes missing during demo, and, not surprisingly, Tad and Austin are the primary suspects.
A Wall Disappears
#2: After many, MANY long hours spent prodding, scraping and prepping what she’s calling “super laithe” to be used as an original feature turned shiplap-like accent wall, Karen returns to the job site and discovers that it’s … gone. Yeah, gone.
A Vintage Treasure Appears

Seriously, Karen can’t catch a break during this demo. But redemption comes in the form of Karen the Collector (not hoarder) getting her hands on a very special piece of sheet music found in the actual bones of the house. She and Mina get some help identifying the song, and its origins turn out to be a home run. (wink wink)
In the end, the townhouse turns out to be a beautiful companion to its next-door neighbor, and Karen gets some major validation for her “hoarding” ways. Get a sneak peek of the finished spaces featured in tonight’s episode, “Outdated Townhome Gets a Funky Facelift,” below:

Catch new episodes of Good Bones Tuesdays on HGTV at 9|8c.